Archive for the Episodes Category

Lynn Clouder talks about doing research in a CETL

Posted in Episodes on April 7, 2010 by Martin Oliver

This time, Lynn Clouder talked about what it’s been like to do research in a CETL.

Lynn, the director of CIPeL, explains how she got involved, what this multi-million pound, sector-changing programme has felt like from the inside, and why it’s been more political than a regular research project.

Or download the file (30 mins, 19 secs; 27.8MBs)

The book that Lynn mentions in the podcast is, Inter professional E-Learning and Collaborative Work: Practices and Technologies. It’s published by IGI Global this month, the ISBN for the hardback is 978-1-61520-889-0, and the publisher’s page for the book can be found here.

John Traxler talks about an ethics and Web2.0 special interest group

Posted in Episodes on February 1, 2010 by Martin Oliver

Apologies for the long wait for this one; I’ll try and make things more regular in the future!

So, for this episode I asked John Traxler to talk about a new special interest group that he’s setting up. The focus is on ethics and work with Web2.0, and particularly the way in which expectations about norms and protocol could get confused as people move between formal education and other contexts.

If you’re interested in the SIG, you can find out more about it at

Or download the file (14 mins, 43 secs; 13.5MBs)

Grainne Conole talks about Cloudworks

Posted in Episodes on October 29, 2009 by Martin Oliver

For the first of these podcasts, I persuaded Grainne Conole to explain a bit about Cloudworks – what it is, what it’s for, what she hopes it will achieve and so on. She also explains how to pronounce her name correctly.

Take a listen, and let me know what you think – I’d appreciate comments on the format, content and also on other people it would be interesting to talk with about their work. Also, I’m hoping to pester Grainne to respond to any follow-up questions you might have. So if you have any, let me know!

Or download the file (37 mins, 10 secs).